I have just finished playing the movie and specifically the scene you are mentioning, I have 3 subs in my setup 2 EP-175's and 1 EP-350. I did not get any port chuff no matter the volume (my wife did come down at one point to mention that I was making her good crystal dance around in her china cabinet and that if I wished to still reside here with my equipment to cease and desist. I guess I could consider that port Chuff). I am not sure if you have setup your system for levels using a SLM (sound level meter), I have the Denon 5800, when I setup the system I purchased a SLM from Radio Shack and set all the levels to reference level specified. On the 5800 there is also a sub max limit setting that once I set the upper limit to when I hear distortion the amplifier will not drive the subs beyond that setting. This may have something to do with my not getting any port chuff. I don't know what amp you have but some other receivers also have this function. That scene in the movie and many others in the film certainly do push your system to the limit! (my wife included). The other movie to get that will give your system a real work out is The Haunting DTS-ES version, maybe see if you can rent this and see if you have the same problem. I would recommend anyway getting an SLM and setting the levels up properly if you have not already done so, then try it again.