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What do you guys think the difference would be between an HSU or SVS sub and an Axiom EP-175

Well, it is quite simple in my view...

(1) The absolute bass extension -- in case of the Hsu VTF-3, it is down to 18Hz virtually flat, and well usable down to 15-16Hz where you cannot "hear" anymore. And it does it without audible harmonic distortion (2x or 3x overtones).

(2) The maximum playable sound level, without eliciting audible distortion.

For me (a classical music fan), the Hsu has been great in reproducing the bottom tones of string contrabass and bass tuba, organ pedal tones (goes down to 16Hz), the attack of orchestral bass drum and Chinese gong, etc. Also, it is great in reproducing LFE of movie soundtracks, which often contain rumbles below 20Hz.

But everything is subject to the law of diminishing return -- I guess your EP-175 already offers 90% of the needed bass. Only you can decide whether the added performance is worth the price of over US$700.