Spidey 2 kicked Spidey 1's ass. I was happy to see that Raimi didn't rely on "more action" to make the sequel better, instead choosing to dial back the action and the comic book style flying through building stuff and dialing up the story/plot/emotion. Seeing Spidey flip through the air is cool, but it gets old. You can't watch that crap more than a few times before it becomes tedious. That's not to say that I don't love it - but it loses its flavor after a few chews.

ANyway - go see it on the big screen if you get a chance. Better yet, go see it at Imax - which is probably going to be just simply awesome.

Sidenote - the discrete audio coming from the surrounds in both movies was just plain cool. I loved being in teh theater and feeling voices and stuff fly over my head. Very enveloping, if not a little showy (which I like).