Curtis I wish you would quit coming up with these profoundly correct concepts so I could stop fawning over you. I'm starting to feel like Uriah Heep (the Dickens character, not the band)

You made a great statement over at AVS the other day:
"Seriously.......the more you read about speakers, the more you realize how subjective it is and at some point you have to stop the madness. M.A.D. - Mad Audio Disease"
After a day like today, that makes SO much sense.

Now you come up with the passion thingy. You know how at the end of Inside The Actor's Studio on the Bravo channel, James Lipton asks the evening's guest the questions like "what's you favorite sound," etc.? One of the questions is "what turns you on"? (not sexually, you twerps) Now, we've all pretended he's asking us those questions, haven't we? My answer to that one is always "passion." I've always loved passionate people. But your point is so dead right on. Closed minded passion is nothing but tyranny. The goal is to be both passionate AND open minded to the feelings of others.

Nice stuff, Curtis. You have unsuspected depths.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton