Thanks to all for the input. It is more of a hypothetical question at this point as I used a Circuit City gift card to buy some speakers already - and when I compared them to everything they had (including Polk and Infinity) a cheap ($60) set of Dual speakers sounded best. I'm anticipating that when I actually get the multizone hookup working, I'll be disatisfied with the outside sound compared to my interior zones ( 1)Polk component home theatre, 2) M22s + Velodyne CHT-8, 3) Mirage M260s) because the outside speakers from the good companies sounded like I was wondering about using an inside speaker...

The putting it up/taking it down option doesn't appeal to me - the site where the speaker wires come out of the wall is about 9 ft high - I want to be able to just turn on the stereo and jump in the pool - not have to search for a ladder.