Sorry SEC.
No one can tell me my opinion is wrong and my opinion is that the SVS are ugly.

I've seen the wall o fame pictures and that's what sparked my thought. As you can see, Steve Cs setup is all black in colour, if you can call black a colour at all, so the SVS looks like everything else around it, while your SVS is mostly hidden by your tv.
I would not buy SVS because i don't want, and try to avoid the black finish if at all possible (see my SPEAKER and FURNITURE pics on the wall o fame). Note that this will exclude more than just SVS from my selection of speakers. Secondly, i don't have a tv big enough to block its view.

There is no question SVS may be a good sub but i'm a huge fan of speakers that don't have a black finish. Unfortunately most a/v equipment is still stuck in the realm of colour blind creators such that black is often the only choice for anything (newer trends towards aluminum and steel is great but typically found in more expensive models...NOTE to self....i LOVE Ian and Amie's setup!! Looks and function are tops in that one!!).
Unlike some people's idea of home decor, black does NOT go with everything. Hence, I WILL trade off some small performance or i WILL pay another hundred bucks for a higher end item if i can find a piece of equipment that has better aesthetics. But realistically, there is always another piece of equipment that can be construed as 'better' so the SVS is not a godly, impossilbe to beat piece of equipment.

I'm simply saying that SVS keeps popping up on this forum like it's the trend equipment piece of the year (kind of like how Paradigm and Polk seems to show up alot on hometheatreforum).
There are tons of other companies out there...has no one discovered any other (better looking or at least colour option available) gems?
Sunfire was mentioned recently but few people here promote Sunfire subs.

Just out of curiousity, does anyone here have (or ever had) a Monitor Audio subwoofer?

Last edited by chesseroo; 09/12/02 03:11 AM.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."