You are all over the place, John!

Hmm... middle-of-the-night Rachmaninoff... Variations on Paganini??? I guess you are still healthier than me, listening to middle-of-the-night Mahler. LOL

The Sony F1's are also extremely comfortable to wear in the bed. The only problem is: my wife, who was sleeping besides, once complained to me "Would you please use headphones?" LOL

I picked up the Sony F1's a few years ago at one of the larger stores in Tokyo's Akihabara electronics district. One entire wall of the floor was dedicated for quality headphones, all simultaneously connected to the same sources via an array of amps, level-calibrated, and continuously playing. There were no less than 30-40 models displayed for ad-lib auditioning that way, including all usual suspects like Senn's, Grado's and Ah-Kah-Gheh's, as well as less known Japanese brands such as Audio-Technica. It was Paradise; basically, I spent one whole Saturday there. LOL Actually, the AKG 501's were one of the very finalists in my choice, although I took the unique "loudspeakerness" of the F1's in the end. It was a heck of fun shopping!

Oh... btw, another wall of the store was entirely occupied by the Kimber and other classy cables!


Last edited by sushi; 03/07/03 09:26 AM.