I recently had a chance to compare the 3 heavily reviewed speakers side by side, in exactly same setting.

Testing CDs ranging from Classical music, male/femal vocal, Rap, and easy listening.

The one speaker that surprised me during initial listening, was the M22. The sound was "boxed". The sound was thin and boxy, comparing to Energy C3 and Axiom M3. I wonder why nobody has complained about M22?

Overall, M3 sounded more grainy than M22. M22's strenth is in middle and upper frequency clarity.

With respect to tone color, M3 is similar to Energy C3. Both sounded more banlanced and color nuetral than M22. The best of the three speakers, overall, is Energy C-3. Sorry guys. I don't mean to offend M22 fans here. My recommendation goes to M3 if your wallet is really tight; to Energy C3 if can afford about $CDN 200 more.