one huge scam is right.

Someone once tried to sell me these cone type metal things that you position on top of your speaker that supposedly 'aims the sound waves' more directly to your listening position. Many people say it works. I wouldn't even dare try, especially considering the $200 per cone price tag.

Here's my take on it:

Someone, in your opinion, knows a lot about audio. They tell you 'do this and it will sound better'. You are convinced. You go home with your new product, which you have spent hundreds on, and you're convinced you will get better sound. You put in your best recorded CD and listen very, very carefully. You think it sounds amazing because a) you are listening so closely and b) you think it sounds better. Voila! you now agree cones make sound better.

The power of suggestion, especially when it comes from an authoritative figure, is extremely powerful. Ask your shrink about studies on this phenomena during your next visit