I have purchased a NAD 352 integrated amp for two channel stereo and it is just wonderful. Paired with my m60's, the sound is just incredible, even on poorly recorded CD's. My question is about connecting a separate amplifier from NAD with it. I don't know what words like "bridging" means though I think it's related to this question. I have spotted a very well kept NAD amp with 150 watts of power in mint condition fairly cheap. (Under 200 dollars} I have read very good reviews of this "older amp". My questions are is it worth it to add an additional amp? The integrated is 80 watts. I know some would say this is overkill to add an amp, but I have also heard there are benefits to it. Also, my main question is how do you go about hooking up the integrated to the amp and which would you plug the speakers into or both? Thanks in advance.......