Sushi(Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa)is extremely busy with his research and I marvelled how he was able to devote so much time to the board, then suddenly about ten months ago he stopped. I'd never intrude on his privacy to ask, but I assume that he simply decided that it was taking up too much of his time.

Good to see that you've started on your classical music collection; there's a whole world of great music out there waiting for you. That's a pretty good Holst Planets that Craig had and I commented on, but as I've said a few times here, a really tremendous Planets is the Mehta on Decca Eloquence 467 418. If you'd like to warm up your credit card a bit there're still two days left on a sale at Tower that includes some terrific bargains on Seraphim for only $5.99, with free shipping if over $20. I'd especially recommend the Ravel , Orff , Smetana , and Tchaikovsky CDs. Not on sale, but still a bargain at $7.99 is the indispensable Brahms Hungarian Dances .


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.