To answer INANE and MarkSJohnson:

Just download a sweep generator and run sweeps that cover from as low as it can go to a little above the transition point between the mains and subwoofer.

Also, for this you should have a Parametric EQ so that you can compensate for room modes. Never try to raise the nulls, instead just lower the peaks.

As for meter preference, I definitely prefer the digital. This is because the parallax error bugs me since I try to change frequency in the Sweep Generator at the same time as I look at the meter's readout. Plus, if you are doing single frequency test tones and set the meter to slow response, it won't be harder to interpret than an analog meter. Now, if you aren't doing single frequencies, if the levels change quickly, and if you put the meter on fast, the analog will be easier to read. Both of them use the same sensor (well the newer analog and the current digital) so precision and accuracy should be about the same. That said; remember to use the SPL Meter compensation chart on the SVS site to calibrate your meter when taking measurements.