Hey all,

Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

I went to my wife's parents' houes yesterday to enjoy som high-def football on their new 50" plasma set. It looked simply gorgeous. And DVDs looked unbelievable too.

They got a set made by Philips (I think) and they paid a pretty penny for it (~$10K).

I any event, it seemed as though, when playing DVDs, the TV was overscanning by about 10%, which seemed like a lot to me. We watched Farenheit 9/11 and some of the subtitles were being cropped off the bottom of the screen. I tried changing the screen aspect (wide vs. cinema vs. full vs. zoom), but I could never get the image to shrink back down and show me the whole picture. I fooled with the settings, and could shift the picture up and down, left and right considerably - to the point where I could move the image so far that people's heads would get cut out of one side, or information previously unseen woudl emerge from the side or top/bottom of the screen.

Any advice on getting into the TV somehow and reducing this overscan? Or is this something that you need to get a professional in to fool with the internal settings?