the ideal situation on the fronts, would be for them to be level, or as close as possible to level, with the center channel. determine at what height your center will be, then buy your stands accordingly.

as far as the surrounds, axiom recommends them to be anywhere from ear level up to 3-4 feet above ear level. so, keep in mind, once you are seated, your ears will be just about 3-4 feet off the ground, so the surround stands are just about in that optimum range. i personally think it would be better to wall mount the surrounds, but each HT environment has its own limitations.

keep in mind, that if you do have to use surround stands, the QSS stands are specially designed not to interfere with the downward firing driver. other stands from different companies might not be compatible with the QS8's.. also, the QS8's are heavy, so be sure to add weight to the stands so they wont be tipped over easy by a child or pet..

good luck, and enjoy your new system.


Last edited by bigjohn; 10/13/04 04:17 PM.