Ok, maybe not so quick - first a quick hello... It’s been a long time since I've been on here - Life caught up with me and has been nipping at my heels for about 10 months now. I must be getting slower at running from life as I get older

Anyway, on to the question…

I just bought an iriver H140 HD MP3 player (http://www.iriveramerica.com/products/H140.aspx) and the headphones that come with it are the little round ear bud gigs - and every time I have used headphones like them I get a headache. In fact, every time I have used ANY pair of headphones I get a headache. Something about the way it pins my ear to my head, or who knows what...

Anyone have good experience with or some kind of recommendation as to what earphones, ear buds, or otherwise I might want to try?

I'm all ears
