but I guess its why we're all here and I just HAVE to share...

It must be the time of year when we all head back to our hideouts and think HT again since there have been alot of these "I just ordered my Axioms" recently.

Well here's another. I JUST ORDERED MY AIXOMS.

And it only took me since christmas to decide. Talk about fence sitting.

A big thanks to all forum members for your input in helping me decide the best sytsem for me. You all have truly been a great help, either directly or indirectly!

Only problem is I ordered B-stock and I could be waiting up to 12 weeks... Still it saved me 500 bucks this way. [ lots $$$ left for those platinum cables ]

What I'd get?
M60 front
M22 centre
Qs8 surround
EP500 sub
Denon 2105 ( already landed ) Luv it!

Thanks a bunch folks, Jag