Hello - I'm new to this so please bear with me. I want to expand my system from stereo to home theater. My room is less than ideal, particularly for the rear surround placement. The room is 16' wide by 24' long in total. The seating and listening area is the 'front' 16', with an informal eating area in the 'rear' 8'. There are three open doorways: 1 - at the left front corner, 2 - on the left side wall about 12' from the front, and 3 - on the right side wall about 15' from the front. So if you're seated on the main couch, the door to your left is adjacent, the door to your right somewhat behind you. I know, not an ideal room!

Because of the doorways, I ruled out wall placement of rear surrounds, since it wouldn't be possible to mount them opposite each other. I'm considering ceiling mounts. Is this possible? Should they point down at the floor, or be mounted with a long bracket, that allows them to face forward?

Alternatively, there is a beam running accross the room that drops about 8 inches from the ceiling, and is located about 2 feet behind the listening area couch. Would this be a place to mount them facing forward. If mounted here, should they be angled downward?

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance!


PS - as FYI my fronts are M22s, the sub is HSU research, the center will be VP150 and I'm up in the air on surrounds, once I figure out where to put them...