The photos will be a couple of days yet to come.
I'm in the midst of an OS reinstall and i have about 50 programs that need tweaking and attention.

But yes, the RPTV unit is a Toshiba 50hdx82. I wasn't sure it would fit down our stairs, even after taking it out of the box. The picture is very colourful but as expected, not as sharp as a CRT unit. It takes a bit of getting used to the large sized heads on CNN. Lord of the Rings has only looked better in the theatres and ONLY because of the larger size screen.

The distance that the M60s were pushed apart by the RPTV would equal about a foot or two at the most. I will measure their exact distance apart and report it soon with the pics.
As for my QS8s, one has changed position, but not the other. This was due to more basement tweaking to squeeze the tv into place.

Needless to say, at a wedding rehearsal dinner party two weeks ago, we had about 40 people over at our house. A couple of the guys wanted to see my new system and came downstairs to have a look see (and a listen). So i obliged by starting the 'sound demo' with the "depth charged" chapter of U571.
After about the 2nd explosion, ALL of the men and sadly only 2 of the women at the party had lined up along our couch and stairs to hear the rest of the demos i was running.
My oh my, did i hear alot of the boys say things like, "gee, if i had a subwoofer like that my wife would have thrown me out. She already hates the teeny one that i've got now"
"wow, how much did that system cost?"
and of course
"where is that breeze coming from? is that from the subwoofer?!!"

Oh yes, the demo was truly sweet.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."