I wish they made an HDTivo for Cable but so far as I can tell its only for Sat users

The Stretch modes on this TV are AWESOME! You can't tell its stretched when watching normal SD TV. I am so glad I did my homework on TVs before buying as it has really paid off.

I didn't get a chance to hook it up last night, I was too tired. I thought about it and then remembered that not only will I have to label everything as it comes out so I don't have to totally redo the rack but I need to switch out a couple Toslinks for Coax Audio and then I need to reprogram the remote so the GF can still watch TV tomorrow when I'm not around... Then I realized its late and I can't turn it up anyways... Went to bed. Can't wait to get out of work... I think I'm getting sick and will need to go home at Noon. :-)