Thanks ... I got a drawing of the room in my computer, however I don't know how I can attach a picture to the post ...

Anyhow ... the room dimension is 19' Wide X 21.5' Deep ... with an opening on the left side being a L shape room, the opening is about 6' wide and 10.5' deep, I am setting everything to the right of the opening, ignoring that area and using the room like as a retangle shape with a big 10.5' side opening on the left side, that way the retangular shape is only 11' wide and 21.5' deep. I am setting my Sofa around 13.5' from the screen. Ceiling is only 7' tall.

Hope that would help understand my room better ...

Yamaha RX1400 Athena ASF2 Athena ASC1 Wharfdale WH-2 Wharfdale WH-2 Mirage Omni 10