Sure looks like it...

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For advertisers it's an extraordinary boon, a quicker and more effective way than they've ever had of measuring the effects of their TV commercials.

For viewers, TiVo's new strategy means the technology famously christened "God's machine" by Federal Communications Commission (news - web sites) Chairman Michael K. Powell is rapidly becoming a marketer's best friend, proving that try as they might, consumers cannot hide from marketing.

"TiVo looked like it was going to be the weapon of mass destruction of Madison Avenue," says Robert Thompson, Syracuse University professor of television and pop culture. "However, we knew that the [TV] spot ad would not go gently into the night, and this is the next battle strategy."

The shift underscores what industry observers have been saying since TiVo started — that TV advertising and programming must change dramatically to survive.

TiVo Will No Longer Skip Past Advertisers