Thanks Chess..great review. Too bad you didnt get a Sound Level meter when you had it done. The reason for this is that I had QS4 setup and it was not metered and I thought my ears was good enough. It souded good. I was wrong. When I had it balanced for all speakers at like 75db sub including with the QS4 it was great. So then I swapped out the QS4 with the M22Ti and balanced it out again and after that I said wow. It was the detail that sold me in keeping the M22 vs the QS4. This is how far I was off with my ears.

Before sound meter
Fronts 0 db
Center -1 db
Left Surround +3
Right Surround +3
Sub - didnt set but level was too low

After sound meter - placed sound meter ear level at sitting position

Front 0 db
Center +2 db
Left Surround -6 db
Right Surround -4 db
Sub - had to bring up level a little bit up

I was way off. I guess my ears are not as good as I thought.