Welcome aboard Shilex.. Good to see ya made the right choice.. These Axioms are a tuff deal to beat.. And, I see you have the same Denon 3802.. Another smart move, if I do say so myself.. (And I believe I just did ?) I own the same.. Hopefully you own a turntable and some vinyle to lay down.. The Denon has phono input capability.. You will be really impressed with the sound over what ever you once had.. Try some Jazz, or anything airy and/or with acoustic guitar.. Amazzzzing sounds.. As for CD's, try Eric Claptons "Pilgrim", 1998 Reprise Records.. The enginering on this disk is superb.. You get 'all' the music, not just the highs or lows.. Lots and lots of full range stuff, that will let ya listen to those Twenty Twos like they were meant to be, LOUD ! Opps, I mean, at reference levels.. (I need to learn to use more of these professional sounding terms, eh?)
PS: I work for FEDEX, and the Axiom/Fedex deal works like magic.. Very fast delivery..
PSS: What's yer plans for a sub? (Get two)
Keep us posted.. Enjoy..

LFE ! The rest is just details..