Thank you all for the wonderful help.
I asked the question about the passport because I don't have one, to lazy to go get one , my wife do have hers, tho.

Ray3, thanks for the snow advice, I'm originally from Puerto Rico (US territory), the snow is still part of the 'fun' although I know it may be inconvenient or even dangerous. I was not aware that it snow so much in that area. I need to get back with my wife on the snow thing; I don't want to be stuck in the snow up there and my wife going 'they told you so'

My wife and I enjoy international cuisine (restaurants), a play or musical might be nice as well. I'll love to see the city architecture, art galleries and museums. I went to the Toronto tourism site, so many great things to do! I don't think 3 days will be enough.


The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail. --Lindborg