Just a few things on the 1220, Cause I looked at them very closely, They look great because they are only 12" in dia. unlike my 16" SVS's. tall slender cylinder. they are PASSIVE only, as you probably know. I think they look better in pairs, more balanced, and obviously more punch. Very musical sub. Heres the weird thing. If you get them from HSU (free shipping) its 200 bucks cheaper to by them seperate. That is one 1220 and one amp at 1,000, then one more 1220 at 499.00 = 1499.00. The exact "package" 2 1220's and the same amp = 1697.00. just tjought I'd point that out, I called them and they confirmed that you do save 200.00 bucks that way by NOT buying their "complete package" go figure, but hey 200 bucks is something, just an FYI. Also, they are very top heavy, top woofer, tall and narrow with (3) bottom feet. Best in corners, no kids or cats recommended. You don't want that woofer crashing the floor on these.

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s