>>And Army of Darkness sounds like a chainsaw chop-chop movie...and I'm 43.

If you're 43 and haven't seen AOD yet what are you waiting for ? Imagine Monty Python meets Doom2.

Army of Darkness is a bit hard to pigeonhole, although definitely one of the funniest movies I have seen. It's the third movie in the Evil Dead series, although very different from the first two. More of a shotgun film than a chainsaw film, the chainsaw is just bigger and easier to see in the poster.

"Trapped in time... surrounded by evil... low on gas..."

"Army of Darkness is the third and last part in a series of horror-movies by Sam Raimi, starring Bruce Campbell as the hero Ash, a quite ordinary guy who works as a clerk in a mall called "S-Mart". Ash gets sucked into a tornado and ends up in medieval England, equipped only with a shotgun and a chainsaw. There he must retrieve an unholy book from an ancient graveyard in order to create a passage back to his own time. Unfortunately he fails to pronounce the spell that unlocks the curse over the book, which results in the awakening of an army of undead warriors..."


If you get a chance to see Army of Darkness I strongly recommend it, although it is more of a "watch with your friends" than "watch with your young kids" kind of film.

The original "Klaatu..." phrase was a command given to the giant robot guardian in The Day the Earth Stood Still, a classic sci-fi film from the 50s.

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