As to which models to listen to from PSB and Paradigm....

Some gave advice as to "The M60 will sound similar to the Paradigm Studio 60" or "The M60's are very similar to the B&W 700's" etc. That is fine as it gives you an idea of what the M60's may sound similar to.

However, I suggest you first audition according to value. If you are considering the M60's for example, than go to your local dealer and ask to audition the PSB and Paradigm floorstanders around the 1k mark. That, to me, is a more practical audition. You will come away knowing what 1k will get you from PSB or Paradigm.

I believe this is a sound method because it narrows down your search and you won't waste time auditioning speakers you can't afford or speaker types that you really don't want (i.e. auditioning bookshelfs when you really want a floorstander).

I used this approach and thought it was very effective. I started with the M60's in mind and then auditioned one or two floorstanders from every manufacturer I could find in this area who offered something within my budget. I auditioned Paradigm Monitor's, PSB Image series, Wharfedale Evo's, Kef's, Boston Acoustic's, Def Tech's, B&W, etc etc. It still takes time, but after months of doing this, I found my personal choice out of what was available locally. Then, I began to focus on head to head comparisons. For me, it came down to the Wharfedale Evo's and the Axiom's. I decided to take the 30 day trial and ordered the Axioms with the intention of AB'ing them against the EVo's (local dealer had no problem with me bringing in my Axioms). I am doing the AB comparison this upcoming Saturday morning and will of course post my impressions.

As a final sidenote, I suggest you audition the Wharfedale Evo's if any of your local shops carry them. They do everything well and you don't have to break the bank to get into some. If they are around, give them a listen.