The receiver is rated at 80w/channel w/ all 5 channels driven throughout the frequency range. It's an honest 80. Acutally, before I purchased the receiver, I read an article that tested the T752 and found it actually produced 88w/channel with all channels driven at all frequencies. At the time I bought the T752, the new NAD's were about to be released but I got a very good price on the T752 from the local dealer ($725). Not bad considering MSRP was $899.

I watch TV around -15....if people are over and we are talking, I might notch it up to -12 or -10. When the DVD's are in, -2 to -3 seems to be the highest level I could tolerate for an extended period of time. I only had the receiver at +5 to see how clean the Axoims played at very loud volumes.