I disagree, Mini - your choice in flicks does in fact Rock.

There's something to be said abotu culture in a movie. I like movies with dialogue and character development and heart and feeling and all that bullsnot, but I tend to only watch those movies once, and rarely get the urge to watch them again. Whereas with visually and sonically stimulating films, I seem to gravitate towards viewing them more than once.

Now, I am not brave enough to call certain films that I watch the most my favorites, if viewing habits are an indicator of preference, then I prefer big, dumb, loud movies too. And, here, all along I thought that I was pretty cerebral about my movie watching.

Then I read your list and went - wow, those are some terrible movies...yet I own most of them and find myself popping them in the player more than I do "goodfellas" or "lawrence of arabia."

Oh, yeah - Kangaroo Jack? Really?