After spending lots of time reading many posts and many 'articles' by alan, I finally managed to resolve my issues with the VP150.

This baby is now upside down, on 2 speaker stands below my projector screen, 1 inch in front of the mains. I have calibrated it 1 db hot. It sounds wonderful.

I am very happy with the setup.

I auto-calibrated, then calibrated via the RS digital meter and the receiver internal tones. I will recieve my DVE disk in a week or so and then I will re-calibrate. In the mean-time, my HT sounds like a dream.

THE END.......

------ M80, VP150, QS8 Surr, QS8 Back Surr Sunfire Amp -M80, Denon 3805 -all else, SVS 20-39 PC+