Well, I have been putting this off for months, but finally gave it a go... And all the effort was for not.. Seems these bad boys are just too placement sensitive, and would have required days and days of tinkering to find that sweet spot..
I love the open sound achieved by having mains hung from the ceiling, but these monsters were my waterloo..
Defeted in my attempts to make them work from this arrangement, they are once again back on terra firma..
I type this, as I have encouraged others to hang their mains as opposed to placing them in book cases, or sitting them on stands, and still believe this to be a valid arrangement.. Just not for my beloved M-Eighties..
I did however replace the plastic feet supplied for the bottoms, with heavy felt pads..Four per tower.. They now sit much tighter to the tile floor.. A nice look..

LFE ! The rest is just details..