OK, gotta chime in here and add my 2 cents.

I have HD Tivo and watch it on my EDTV Panny plasma. Yes, my plasma is only capable of 480p. I connect the Tivo via DVI and my DVD via component. My standard viewing distance is about 8' or 9'. HD is STUNNING. Now would an HD plasma be better because I could watch 720p or even 1080p? I doubt it would be $1.2k more enjoyable, looking at Visual Apex prices.

I've seen some HD plasmas showing Discovery HD. Can I tell the difference between my EDTV showing HD and a true HD panel showing HD? A little, but $1.2K can be put to good use somewhere else in my house.

Will I miss having HD DVD or Blu Ray in the future? Probably not, because w/ my HD Tivo I can Tivo broadcast movies as well. (Plus the format war will take a while to complete.) And despite all the "chicken little" cries that HD Tivo is going away because of all the CES announcements, I can say that today I can record HD on my 550 GB Tivo and watch it at my leisure. I highly doubt I'll be obsolete for another few years. Besides, I still have my old SD D*Tivo in my bedroom, running strong.

DLPs and rear projections can be viable options. But my 42" display can be had for less than $1900 from very reliable online resources.

Last edited by oldskoolboarder; 01/21/05 06:47 PM.