i wish i could remember more when we lived in italy when i was a kid.

the town we lived in was down near the 'heel' of the boot of italy. it was called speckiola(dont know if the k is supposed to be there?). i havent been able to find it on a map, but i know it exists. my dad was stationed at San Vito AFB, but it has been long since closed down. i do remember going to pompei, and thinking that was super cool. and i remember going to get real pizza, that they cooked in the walls over real fire stones. i remember olive trees being the ugliest tress i had ever seen.. they look evil, scary as a child. i remember driving the country side and watching people actually stomping on grapes in HUGE vats with their bare feet, to make wine. i remember Fiats, and all the older men smelled funny, and all the buildings were made of marble and cut stone.

guess i do remember a few things....
