I had to post a link to this review of gel pads for isolation. I went through a gamut of emotions while reading this. My first reaction was to laugh, especially when I read that he put these gel pads under his speaker wires to isolate for vibration. Then I nearly vomited from disgust when I read how he established a reference by removing all isolation equipment before using the pads and found that “one of the more engaging jazz releases in my collection suddenly became rather univolving”. GIVE ME A BREAK! He’s using some of the most expensive audio gear available (not that price = quality), including the highly regarded Wilson Audio WATT/PUPPY 7’s. He also describes his test CD Flamingos [hatOLOGY 609] as being an excellent recording from one of his favorite labels. Is he trying to make readers believe that his system sucks when his components are sitting on regular shelves, and his speaker wires are sitting on the floor? I find audio reviews such as this are a farce, and it upsets me as a readier and audio lover that reviewers write such non-sense.
My question is, do reviewers who publish reviews such as this really believe the things they right? I would be willing to bet my house that if he did a double-blind A/B he would not be able to hear a difference between speaker wires on the floor, and speaker wires raised by 4 gel pads! Nor would he be able to differentiate between his cd player on the shelf, and his cd player under the gel pads, unless the vibration is so great that the player skips when not isolated.
I should have seen it coming though, with a website entitled Ultraaudio.
End Rant.

Note: I did my best to not use ... () and base!