Why did you think they'd be VHF?

In reply to:

And stay away from Radio Shack and their like.. Get a major brand.. Major difference in quality and longevity..

You use Kimber cables too, don't you?

Did you try cheaper antennai? If not, how do you know they aren't equal? Because the sales guy told you so? The same logic is used to sell thousand dollar cables...

Remember folks, sales associates are in business to take your money. It's just an antenna.

Good recommendations:

Outdoor/attic - Channel Master 4248 ($45) or Winegard 9095 ($65); both are UHF only yagi antennas; ideal for fringe installations
Smaller outdoor/attic/indoor - Channel Master 3021 ($25); UHF only; good for applications near or not too distant from the station transmitters
Indoor - Antiference Silver Sensor (about $35) or the Radio Shack UHF double bow-tie ($17); good for applications near or not too distant the station transmitters; Antiference is effective in combatting multipath

There's nothing wrong with RadioShack antennai and you can get a fabulous signal without a $150 antenna so long as you don't live in Antarctica.