I have a problem that I'm hoping someone has an easy solution for. Let me lay it out.

1. I have a 25" GE TV that has no A/V out jacks. Just one set of RCA in jacks on the back of the TV. So far this has not been an issue. All of my audio runs through my SR600, but video works as follows:

1. The VCR can send video to the TV through the COAX that they are connected by.

2. The DVD sends video to the TV by using the one video in jack on the back of the TV.

Although this isn't ideal and I would like to run video through the SR600, this has worked well for now.

Now the wrench in the works....
I bought a Playstation2 last night. The way things are setup now, I need to slide out the TV to get to the back of it and manually switch the video cable between the Playstation and the DVD depending on which one I want to use. There's got to be a better way.

As a side note, I also have a seperate DVD player that does SACD/DVD-A that I would like to be able to see video on as well, so if a solution could encompass all 3 that would be great.

I have only come up with two options other then manually switching cables.

1. Buy a new TV. This is not really an option right now, I need to find a way to get this to work until I am ready for a TV in a year or two.

2. Get some type of box from Radio Shack (assuming something like this exists) that lets me run the TV in to the box and there are multiple inputs for the different components from there. This box would have to have some type of switch to change between the components, which would determine what appears on channel 0 on the TV (the video in jack's channel).

Any other ideas? Anyone know if such a box exists at Radio Shack or somewhere like that?

Thanks for your help in advance.