Hello, "From", and welcome!

You may want to check this thread to see if there are any Axiom users in your area who could do a demo for you. If there's no one close, you may want to email Amie (amie@axiomaudio.com ) to see if there's someone closer that's not on the list.

Home Theater systems are not difficult to set up, especially when you have nice, helpful people (like me) and smart people (like anyone here BUT me) to help!

Both Onkyo and H/K receivers have good reputations here; Denon does as well!

I feel pretty confident that if you're replacing a HTIB, even a $4,000 one, you're going to be taking a big step up here in terms of sound quality!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::