Well, my wife's B-day is 3 days after mine (but she's not aging nearly as well as I am! ).

We normally do a "multi-day rolling birthday extravaganza" centering around dinners out, movies and just enjoying each other's company. We had dined out 3 times between the 18th and last night. While we ate at home last night, there was WAY too much dessert selection involved.

Also, when dining out during this period, we ALWAYS mention that we are both doing the B-Day thing and this results in scads of gratis desserts and the occasional glass of complimentary wine. BAsed on our respective ages, we are now forced to douse the B-Day candles rather then blow them out, but we douse with panache!

We are finishing this year's extravaganza with a Tagament breakfast, followed by stomach pumping for a late lunch, all capped by an early evening session of liposuction. We expect to wake up lighter and refreshed tomorrow, but sadly a touch older.

You must be looking forward to the trip. We'll need itineraries, details and many pictures involving that well traveled friend - Mr. Bear. Enjoy my friend.