Oh Oh, watch out for that "Parts Express" suggestion.

That place will really get you extra credit on your Man Card, for sure.

I wanted to replace the cheap woofer in my inexpensive sub after my youngest Grand daughter grabbed a handfull of reciever volume one evening. So I logged into "Parts Express"...

Instead of a cheap speaker, I ended up with a moderately expensive Peerless driver, a plate amplifier, a good chunk of sewer pipe, various bits and pieces, and a pretty good understanding of subwoofer alignment theory.

Bottom line: Dive in and do it yourself,(if you feel up to it) I'ts a lot of fun-and is what this hobby is all about. IMHO

(OK, so my sub dosen't exactly sound "great" but it's better'n what I had before, and it was fun to build)-(Bottom, bottom line? I may use the plate amp to power an SVS Cylinder sometime in the near, or not so near, future)

But, that's another story...