I messed with a friend's Integra and found the same thing. His was not the 8.3, but every time you went in to the speaker level menu and selected a speaker, it automatically started the internal tone. Avia would be "cut off".

You can't do it through the OSD menu with Avia. I'll describe what we did as best as I can remember. It was several months ago. We went into the OSD speaker level menu and set all of the speakers to 0dB as a starting point. Then, we selected the DVD player as the input and started Avia. While the Avia channel level tests were running, we were able to use the channel level adjustment function of the remote to set the "temporary" speaker levels (these are the ones that are lost when you put the unit into standby mode). After that, we copied the settings down, went into the OSD, and set the levels.

A few days after that, he called me and said that he found a note in the manual that said that there was a key sequence on the remote that you can use to overwrite the "permanent" speaker levels in the OSD setup menu with the temporary settings for the input you are watching. He said the note was really hard to find, and nowhere near the section talking about how to set the speaker levels in the OSD. I just called him, but he isn't in town this weekend. Unfortunately, I have to tell you to RTFM. It's in there.

Good luck,

M- M60s/VP150/QS8s/SVS PC-Ultra/HK630 Sit down. Shut up. Listen.