i think the Onkyo 502 will be just fine. it has the standard feature set that most of your better receivers have, and it has a good amount of inputs/outputs to be very versatile. the only problem i might see is in the total wattage output. if you are a guy who is gonna really CRANK the volume a lot, then you might feel the need for some more power. but, i would wait til you get your speakers set-up in the living room, and give it a test run, and see what you think. you might find the 502 to be perfect, and then you could spend that cash on a new cd/dvd player or something else to improve your overall system.

BTW- i have the Onkyo 701, which pushes 100 watts per channel, and i have yet to crank it all the way with my M60's. its just TOO loud!! the 502 has 75 watts per channel, so i think you might be OK.
