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You got it right, Bren. Scotch Irish all the way. Interestingly, both my mother and father had dark hair. I was a result of either a recessive gene, or mom's fooling around with the milkman.

Yeah, you look like every baby picture down mom's side of the family for the past 4 generations.

And as for looking like family members... bro and I split the family... I ended up looking like mom's (Irish) side, bro looks like dad's (German) side. It's odd when no one sees a resemblance between my dad and I, yet when my mom's brother (maternal uncle) still had auburn/brown hair, in dim light you couldn't tell him and I apart, which led mom to yell at him at the front door one day for knocking when he "has a g** d*** key anyway!"... well, *I* had a key, he didn't.

Bren R.