I talked with Alan tonight and discussed a few ideas. I finally got through to Onkyo tech support and fixed a few options with the net-tune. Anyway, some thoughts about my issues coulds relate to Onkyo's aggressive current protection, also since I'm not running a sub, the base from the receiver eat's up a lot of power. I haven't had a chance yet, but I'm going to test the impedence settings this weekend, and try running the mains off another receiver.
Right now I an trying to decide if I should replace the NR900, or add a separate amp. The NR900 has a lot of features such as thx-ex, dd-ex, dts-ex, neo6, front A/V inputs, 192/24 bit decoding. Granted, not all of these features are main stream yet, it should last for a while. So I'm thinking they added a lot of features and skimped on the power supply and amp.
