i joined the board in late january of 04, and purchased my axioms in the spring, i think around april. i was supposed to go audition whatfurrers system in austin in june, but i just couldnt wait. i figured with the 30 day trial deal, it was a win/win situation. but, needless to say, i didnt send them back.

when i bought the speakers, i had already got a sub for christmas, and had the new receiver in the house since february, still sitting in boxes.. it was killing me to have to wait, so it was a glorious day when my axioms arrived.. it was a thursday, and i took half the day off on friday to set up my HT.

and now, a year later, i have 2200 posts on this board(i still cant believe that), and keep coming back. but most of the time, i just wish i had something interesting to say
