Sirquack, I know, I know... I was going to go DIY Parkland, but I keep hearing people having trouble after a few months with their parklands not staying smooth because of the glue they use, etc, plus, I keep hearing great things about Carada, especially for the price. They sent me some 9"x12" samples of their 3 screen materials, and they look very nice.

Of course it still costs hundreds of dollars more than DIY, but at this point, I am tired of building things. Another day of texturing the basement (walls are left) and then paint, and then cleanup the floors (texturing is very messy) and then I start moving stuff in on the nice mare cement floor. I wish I had about $10,000 to just pay someone to finish the rest of the basement at this point, but I will at least have it half done in 2 weeks (minus carpet since I want to do that all at once)...

Farewell - June 4, 2020