And don't forget, the guys at Axiom are a great bunch for room size / speaker recommendations. They actually talked me out of more speaker than I needed.
I've got one of those goofball shaped rooms that goes from entranceway/livingroom/kitchen/diningroom that is about 16/20 feet wide (depending on which area you are in) by 30 feet long, with vaulted ceilings at the end where the system is, and it fills that space with ease.
If I had had a bit more room where the sub HAS to go I might have gone for the 500, but I am not a giant sub freak, so the 350 is plenty for my needs.
Let us know what you decide on.

Axioms; For when you've just Gotta have More Cowbell! 60s 150 350 8s 2is RX-V2500 DVD-C750 2900