Love my Axioms etc. etc. but there is something that's driving me crazy.

I've got a 48" LCD, on a 23" stand, with a VP150 "perched" on top and M60ti's on either side.

What's driving me crazy is the "look" of it. The floor standing M60's seem far too low in relation to the TV and VP150, in fact the top of the speaker is 19" lower than the top of the tv.

Now I know it's just me as I've seen many photos posted here with towers siting a lot lower than the tv.

What I'm thinking of doing is making a stand (think of a low table) for the M60's to raise them at least a foot. Any thoughts on this?

Any real audible problems that I might encounter? I know the tweeters will no longer be at ear level but will that make any difference to my 58 year old ears?

For starters I'm going to raise them up on temporary supports just to hear how they sound.

Anyone else ever raised towers?

any answers, scientific or creative will be appreciated.

Getting to 2,000 posts; one year at a time vp160/qs8/qs4/SVS 2000/m60/Monolith 3x200 amp