Josh, tubes represent an obsolescent technology, as least for use in home audio. Although with careful design tube equipment can be made to be as transparent as solid-state equipment(there's not necessarily any "tube sound", as shown by blind tests), in general solid state is better in every way and less expensive. Although we sometimes have a fascination with the old, usually practicality prevails(e.g. most people drive cars instead of horse and buggies)and we appreciate advancements in technology.

Having said that, if you really want to buy some tube equipment, it would be more sensible to use a tube preamp with your present or other solid-state amp. The advantages of solid-state apply more significantly to power amplifiers. Although the phrase sometimes heard of a tube preamp and solid-state amp being "the best of both worlds" may be only wishful thinking, it's better than the opposite course.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.