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I used DVDShrink, which is free, and have found it much better than DVD X-Copy

Really? With DVDShrink I get pixel break up all over the place on my Denon 2900 but with DVD X-Copy in movie mode only, I get none. I take it you don't see it on your 2900?

I have a total of 7 different DVD copy software titles on my computer (I went through a phase!) and to date, I always go back to X-Copy. I would give 1ClickDVD a close second. DVDShrink would make my top ten but I have yet to see it produce a DVD where the video quality matched that of DVD X-Copy. Then again, I'm very fussy. Some people might not even notice what bugs me!

Some issues may be due to what burner people are using also. I have had good luck with my Plextor and so far, my 2900 likes the DVD's that it produces.

Only thing I don't like about DVD X Copy is that stupid message they put at the start of all burned DVD's.