Not to hijack this thread (Bob, I'm interested in that tuner also but can't offer any help), but this is related:

Did anyone else see in this week's JC Penney flyer that if you buy $100 in Dockers pants, shirts, etc... you get a free XM Roady2 PLUS three free months of XM?

It sounds too good to be true, but I haven't found anything at all in the fine print to dissuade me, especially since I could spend $100 on Dockers anyway with golf season coming! And, they hav lots of Dockers stuff on sale as well! I'm a sucker for this sort of thing: If I can get (normally) $175 worth of stuff for $100, and have a $100~120 XM unit thrown in with $39 worth of programming, what the hell....!

The JC Penney flyer offers this link for more info. I was planning on going tonight!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::